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Blending backgrounds, cultures, and traditions in a relationship can be like navigating a minefield. Are you caught up in tracking wins and losses in your partnership? Have you stopped to consider the impact of tallying compromises and keeping score on who is doing more in your relationship? 

Breaking Down the Scoreboard Mentality

Are you always keeping tabs on who’s winning and who’s losing in your relationship? It might seem like a game, but constantly tallying up points and checking the scale can actually cause more harm than good. By focusing on every little thing you give,or, give up , you may be inadvertently creating distance between you and your partner. Instead of thinking about who’s ahead or behind, try shifting your perspective towards expressing gratitude for the good you see, feel and experience. It’s not about winning or losing—it’s about growing and thriving as a team.

Honoring Traditions

When it comes to blending cultures and traditions, it’s crucial to approach the topic with sensitivity and respect. It’s important to avoid asking your partner which specific traditions they want to give up from their past. Instead, think about what new traditions you can create and perpetuate together.  Brainstorm together and start small and revisit the success,or failure, together so you can build the traditions and powerful memories together for you and your distinct team.The key is to approach the blending of cultures with an open heart and a willingness to learn from each other’s diverse experiences.

Teamwork Makes the Dream Work

Remember, you and your partner are on the same team. A win for your relationship is a win for both of you and everyone your partnership touches. Instead of keeping score, prioritize honoring and cherishing your spouse and the unique experiences they bring to the table. You didn’t marry your twin! The differences and unique talents are meant to add variety and spice to your relationship, not more mundane sameness! Live in the present moment and celebrate the journey together.

When you drop the whole competitive mindset and focus on working together as a team with your partner,  your showing respect for each other and the shared traditions that bring you closer. By prioritizing  unity and uniqueness over one partner’s preference always winning the day,  you can build a solid and fulfilling relationship that guarantees a win for the partnership every single time.  Don’t we all love to win?! For help on navigating these dynamics and getting your relationship on solid ground, book your FREE call HERE and let’s get your relationship back on track. 

Happily ever after doesn’t just happen, it’s on purpose.