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How to Manage Relationship Anxiety During the Holidays

By December 20, 2023No Comments

Alright, so the holiday season is upon us, and let’s be real—it’s not always sugar cookies and mistletoe for everyone. Sometimes, that joyful vibe gets tangled up in relationship anxiety and drama. As someone who’s all about helping folks ace their relationships, especially during this crazy time, I’ve got some tips to help you sail through the holiday season without hitting those rocky  waters.

First things first, let’s talk about that anxiety. It’s like an unwelcome guest crashing the holiday party, right? Figure out what’s setting off those alarm bells. Maybe it’s the pressure of making everything perfect or dealing with family dynamics. Identifying the triggers can help you tackle them head-on.

Communication is your best buddy here. Talk it out with your partner. Share what’s bugging you and listen to what’s on their mind. Creating a safe, non-judgmental space to chat can iron out issues before they blow up.

Now, here’s the big one: manage those expectations. We’re bombarded with this image of the perfect holiday—Instagram-ready everything. But let’s get real, life’s not a Hallmark movie. Embrace the messy, imperfect and sometimes difficult moments. Burnt turkey or a wonky tree won’t ruin the fun if you’re together and enjoying each other’s company.  Truly being in the moment and enjoying the activity or tradition instead of focusing on what’s wrong or could be better will allow you to connect with those you love and build more strength and resilience. 

Don’t forget to take care of yourself amidst the holiday madness. You can’t pour from an empty cup, right? Schedule some ‘me time.’ Whether it’s a solo workout  or a chill session with your favorite book, do something that recharges your batteries and allows you to show up as your best, refreshed self..

Ever heard of mindfulness? It’s like the superhero power against stress. Try doing mindfulness exercises together—deep breathing (Try Dr. Weil’s 4-7-8 method), maybe some meditation. It’s not just about calming nerves, it’s about feeling closer too.

Boundaries, my friend, boundaries. Set them up with your family and friends. Your relationship needs its space too. It’s totally okay to say ‘no’ to some invites or limit the time spent at gatherings if it keeps your sanity intact. Have that intentional conversation about what you each feel is the right amount of activity for this season so expectations and time goals are clear. Your partner will appreciate the support.

Gifts! Yeah, they can be a headache. But how about gifting experiences instead of things? Go for a cooking class or plan a weekend getaway. It’s not about the price tag—it’s about the memories you make. Looking forward to planned time together, away from your normal place and activity is a great way to rejuvenate your connection.

Gratitude might sound cheesy, but it’s a game-changer. Take a sec every day to thank your partner for something. Be specific and intentional.  It could be as simple as appreciating their morning coffee-making skills. Gratitude amps up the good vibes in your relationship and it can take less than a minute but have a huge positive effect. 

Lastly, roll with the punches. Sometimes, things won’t go as planned. That’s life! Embrace the chaos and turn it into a bonding moment. Being flexible and adapting to surprises together makes your bond even stronger.

Managing relationship anxiety during the holidays isn’t about chasing perfection. It’s about navigating the wild ride together, appreciating the little moments, and having each other’s backs. Keep the communication flowing, ditch the unrealistic expectations, and above all, cherish the imperfectly perfect moments you share. Cheers to a holiday season filled with love, laughs, and a whole lot of togetherness!

Until next time! Remember, happily ever after doesn’t just happen. It’s on purpose.