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One Couple’s Secret to a Strong Relationship

By September 14, 2022No Comments

In this blog post, we’re going to focus on Audrey Bilger and Cheryl Pawelski. These are two very accomplished women in their own right who have come together in marriage with a spirit of adventure and just pure love and dedication to each other. 

These women are two accomplished professionals with radically different careers. They’ve had great seasons in their relationship and are just so in love with each other. During their interview, we got to see behind the scenes of their dynamic relationship, and if we had a checklist of what they’re doing right – we would have checked almost every box!

One of the things that really stood out to us is how they look at their relationship as a project. They reflectively ask themselves what they can check off their list of what they can be working on right now in their relationship. They look at their relationship as the best and greatest project they have. It’s a constant work in progress, and they’re so proud of it.

When you approach your relationship with that attitude, there’s no doubt that the results are going to be amazing! It always comes down to prioritizing your relationship. This couple is a great example of that. They’re mindful about spending time together, they realize that both of their jobs take them in such different directions where they can be all consumed during the day by what they’re doing for their businesses, but they always create time for each other. They prioritize and communicate. Let’s have dinner together. Let’s make sure that we can go on a walk together. They intentionally make time to be with each other.

Cheryl is a two-time Grammy Award winning record producer and Audrey is the president of a private college. They both have full-time demanding careers, so it could be easy for them to get pulled away. For example, Audrey was giving her first presentation to her board at the college, and at the same time Cheryl was up for an alumni award from Marquette where she went to college. They both wanted the other one to be there for them, but couldn’t because the events were happening at the same time. They talked about it and there was no resentment. Instead, they chose to revel in the success that the other was having. 

They are each so proud of each other. That really shined through their interview. They clearly  support, love, and respect each other and want each other to do well. It’s a project that they’re  continually working on. They’re aware of each other’s needs. Cheryl will often walk Audrey to work in order to create time to communicate. She made a comment we could relate to. She said, “when you’re walking your body is engaged in something that it has to do and allows your mind to focus on what’s important.”

We love to go on walks together with our weighted backpacks. We’ll walk for an hour and 15 minutes. When our body’s engaged in walking, often it means our minds are free to talk and get  beneath the surface of what might normally be more mundane communication.

What activities do you and your spouse make time in your schedule for that keep you connected? If you’re having trouble thinking of any, perhaps this is a good time to create some!

Until next time. Remember, happily ever after doesn’t just happen. It’s on purpose.